This reflection is based on my reading of the case study which described the strategies that a Head of English (Robert) had put in place in order to raise the percentage of students achieve A*-C in his subject.
The case study identifies a number of
strategies that were used to increase the success rate of pupils. Which do you
think were the most effective strategies, and why? What have you learnt from
reading about these strategies – what they were and how they were used - that
could inform your own practice?
There were a few
strategies that I would like to try in my own department, however, there are
some that were either quite specific to English or that (for other reasons)
might not be appropriate to apply in my context.
Strategies we already use:
Use of
student data ('on track' spreadsheets) - I would now like to use the data
collection to actually inform 'learning and performance sessions' with teachers
of teaching methods and common resources (e.g. starter activities throughout
term) and standardisation meetings (although I think we need to do more of
One to
one coaching
pairing and seating plans
tracking and intervention - information gathering, identify students, intervention,
Strategies that might be appropriate:
details from exam board on exact requirements for higher grades
scripts to identify common errors ("first five errors" circle the
correct one audit)
lesson observations - 'talent spotting'
doing the 'right thing' used as examples
Use of
the word campaign and consistency of message across department/school (could I
do a 'confidence campaign' and link it to growth mindset?)
meeting 'learning and performance time'
of past papers, markschemes and sample answers
effort spreadsheets up on IWB to track lesson to lesson and motivate students -
I love this idea and would maybe ask staff to just try it with one of two of
their more difficult classes. Students names go red once they have recorded
three or more effort grades below E2
(Green = no intervention, Amber 123 some intervention needed to only an outside
chance they'll get a C, Red = won't get C) - used in department meetings
Strategies that I might like to try a
variation of:
work scrutiny
to parents explaining the rationale
from staff on which student do/do not now do it correctly
campaign and page in book (making it visible)
board in-service training
approach for teachers - grading ABC but kept private from other members of
staff (my concern with this is how 'traceable' student success is - our
students often have revision with other teachers or might pick up learning tips
from other teachers as well and I would also worry that this type of judgement
might hinder development in teachers)
Strategies that I would like to try in the
future but are not appropriate for my current context:
exam boards
shorthand 'FF' (first five) used
time advisers selected - being observed to look at an issue (can 'chip in' with
top tips from their class) or going in to observe strategies for an issue being
demonstrated, perhaps looking at particular students identified from data
entry as a progress check (this can't be done without the early entry grade
being the one that counts following recent changes)
approach for students - free up students with C in English but not Maths for more
Maths (I would have reservations about the disruption to the timetable by doing
this and don't have the authority to be able to make these types of decisions
at the moment!)
The middle leader, Robert, faced a number of
leadership challenges. Do they in any way resemble the challenges you face in leading
improvements in teaching and learning, and how? If not, what are the challenges
you face? What can you learn from the way Robert has addressed his leadership
challenges that could inform the way you address yours?
Pressures that
Robert faced that do not resemble what I face:
Pressure to move up through management - Robert
felt this was compromising ability to lead a department
Initial increase in results, followed by a few
percentage points dropped
Pressures that
Robert faced that DO resemble what I face:
Consistency in approach as well as satisfying
exam board requirements and teachers wasting time on non-important aspects of
the syllabus (I feel we have made it very clear in our schemes of work what
should be taught but perhaps it is worth revisiting this and monitoring whether
this is being transferred to lesson content)
Non-specialist staff, two teachers for one class
(I should encourage coordination - maybe use the tandem bike up a hill
Student engagement (I should encourage
colleagues to use the effort tracking spreadsheet)
Teachers entering data on time (I should be
persistent and explain the advantages of analysis)
Sharing good practice - everyone wants a go, is
it good enough to be shared though? (I should be careful about quality control when
'talent spotting')
Sensitivity of teachers to others coming into
lessons (I should take care not to present this as a lesson observation but
instead as an informal opportunity for development - "feedback is a
Pressures that I
might face if I implemented the 100% advisers strategy:
100% advisers - 'us and them' attitude?
'Chipping in' in lessons = team approach but very different to normal
Cost of freeing up 100% advisers
I also thought that the section at the end on leadership
traits made interesting points about what a 'good leader' looks like:
Vision and focus
Up to date
*Be tenacious about pursuing anything that is successful
Influence but don't shove
*Informal contact
Take the tough classes
Practical advice
Only do what you can implement fully and completely
*Always bring it back to the students and their success
*"You do small things absolutely systematically,
rigorously or you don't do them at all"
The few from this list that I have marked with an
asterisk are ones that I think are particularly relevant to my current context.
1. See 'strategies that might be appropriate' section
2. See 'pressures that Robert faced that I DO face'
3. See asterisked points from leadership traits section
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